Thursday, September 21, 2006

So why Quantum Semantics?

The concept of Quantum Semantics has been developing between myself and Samir for some time now. In developing our semantic theories we have been discussing the concept of breaking every element down to its smallest atomic particle along the lines of standard atomic theory, however this fails to take into account the 'human' nature of information.

The reasoning behind applying quantum concepts is to take into account the contextual relevance of human perception and meaning. Everyone has their own reality, their own meaning - and it is this unique meaning that needs to be understood to come to an understanding of the greater truth. By applying the concepts of multiple quantum realities we put ourselves in a position to be able to greater understand the mass of realities that exist in the world we live in. It allows us to understand at a deeper level the core underlying constructs that everyone exists within and how these independant realities merge and combine in a greater reality of the wider world.

"Quantum mechanics is a more fundamental theory than Newtonian mechanics and classical electromagnetism, in the sense that it provides accurate and precise descriptions for many phenomena that these "classical" theories simply cannot explain on the atomic and subatomic level" (

Current thinking on semantics is by my opinion too structured - it attempts to impose meanings on things/information and fails to take into account the inherent complexity of information in relation to individual concepts and personal realities. Even though the quest for true semantics is yet to be achieved i am cautious that by limiting our concepts to straight lines we do not gain a greater understanding of the inter-connectedness of all things and all information. Applying quantum theory to semantics will hopefully allow us to push the boundaries and step outside the square into a world that is a mesh of indivual realities, and hopefully it will allow us to make sense of the myriad of perception and thought that exists in the human consciousness.

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